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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

Since the beginning of time sales funnels have always been part of marketing and traditional business. It appears that the subject of funnels in Internet-based business is becoming more and more common.

Truth is, people want to learn more about this marketing strategy and how they can apply it in their online marketing campaigns. Continue reading if you want to learn more on the sales funnel to ensure Internet marketing success.

The Sales Funnel: What is it?

A marketing funnel isn't an actual funnel. The reason for using the word "funnel" for this concept of marketing is to help visualize and explain the sales process from beginning to the conclusion. The term"funnel" can be used to describe the process of selling because it has both a more extensive entry point for "Unqualified Prospects", and an opening that is smaller for conversions at the bottom.

The "unqualified prospects", also known as those who aren't qualified are in the middle of the funnel. These are people who might require your product or service but have never been approached prior to. By the end of this funnel, a number of sales and offers after, you've received people who've obtained your product or service and have made purchases as well.

A lead generation funnel's effectiveness is due to its capability to monitor the actions of your prospects throughout the expanded sales process. It is possible to predict the number potential customers using the sales funnel, by knowing the numbers of qualified prospects at each stage of the process.

It is possible to make use of a sales funnel to determine the areas and ways in which your sales process is succeeding or failing, and whether you're not attracting enough customers. This will help you decide where to put your effort to make sure that sales are at the correct level and that you are meeting your the marketing objectives. It's used to measure and manage the sales process of customers.

The Front - End or Sales Funnel Top

The most important part of your sales funnel will require the most constant testing and be the most active. There is no limit to your imagination or resources when it comes to front-end strategies.

The front-end goal is to get new customers and then convert them into buyers.

When a potential customer opts-in to your offer, they become "qualified". This is when the potential customer, also known as an "Unqualified Prospect" is now a qualified lead. They've taken a step that shows that they may be interested in the product or service you offer.

To make your front-end effective it is essential to direct targeted traffic to your website, blog, squeeze page, or blog. The most effective methods and resources to accomplish this are article marketing, PPC adverts, social media (Google+, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube), banners, blogging, forum posting, content marketing and more.

There are a variety of tools that can be used to "qualify prospects who aren't qualified". One of the most effective is the squeeze page. You can provide something valuable that is related to your product/service that people can obtain for free or at a drastically discounted price in exchange for their email. There are a variety of products to choose from, including newsletters, videos, email courses, eBooks, and related reports.

The front-end of your sales funnel is where potential customers are drawn to your company. The back-end is what we should be focusing on.


The Back-End or Bottom of the Funnel

The back-end (or bottom) of the sales channel is where the majority of profits and sales take place. It typically contains your highest priced products. Basically these would be appropriate to the same market but delivered in a different format such as video, audio, live interaction or private consultation.

The main difference between front and back-ends lies in the type of client and the price of the service or product being offered.

It's true that only a small percent, say 1-2% of the overall number of folks who enter your front end will finish up in the back-end. Since a small portion of people invest more, that's fine.

It is evident that, while front end products and services can be priced at less than $100, back-end products and services typically cost in the 100s or 1000's. This implies that the bottom of the sales channel also known as the back-end is the primary source of income.

The sales funnel is as simple or complex as you would like to make it, as long as you have the right resources and the right ideas.

For more details on how I'm planning my content marketing, check out the following link.

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